“In C.H.R.Y.S.T. Eye Am”

Consciousness Healing & Restoring Your Soul’s Temple.

“We the heirs of the Nation of Chryst endowed by our creators with inalienable rights, are here to make sure you never forget yours, or who you are.”

We are C.H.R.Y.S.T.

Officially organized January 7th, 2025 as an International Faith-Based Organization, we open our hearts and doors as a sanctuary of authenticity and wholeness.

Re-mem-ber who you are, live with no burdens, bagage, or F.E.A.R (false evidence appearing real), and spread the love.

Contact us

Interested in donating, bestowing, and gifting for private Endowments; Medical Centers, Education facilities, Mitigation credits, Rights, Health and more. Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!